
Peakers, welcome to the Accelerate program!

This program is MPC’s take on strength and conditioning, all in one. It combines some strength elements from Peaker Strong with a couple of cardiovascular conditioning tricks borrowed from Capacity into one program, so you can focus on getting strong and fit all at the same time.

Now, because Accelerate combines lifting with conditioning circuits, it’s not a program for the faint of heart — or for the training newcomer. If you are just starting MPC or regular exercise, please start with the Ignite program and then move on to at least one Peaker Strong module, adding in a few Capacity sessions to start building your fitness foundation. Once you’re accustomed to the type of movement patterns and modalities featured in MPC’s training programs, then you’re ready to Accelerate.

Each month of this program features three workouts per week. If you’d like to add more volume, we encourage you to choose a cardio or core-focused workout from the Capacity program to ensure you get ample recovery for the following week’s workouts.

What more could you want? Lifting, cardio, core… Accelerate has it all.